(English) Workshop mentors: Domènec and Tadej Poga?ar

7?12.05.2012. MSUM Museum of Contemporary Art Metelkova, Ljubljana.



Workshop mentors: Domènec and Tadej Poga?ar

7?12.05.2012 Muzej sodobne umetnosti Metelkova – MSUM, Maistrova 3

The workshop is framed within the exhibition This is not a museum. Mobile devices lurking, curated by Martí Peran and exhibited from 14 May to 17 June at the Slovenian Ethnographic Museum in collaboration with the Moderna galerija / Museum of Modern Art plus Museum of Contemporary Art Metelkova – MSUM, ACVic Centre for Contemporary Arts, P74, AC/?e and the Embassy of Spain in Ljubljana. This exhibition is an exercise of documentation and reflection on the construction of mobile artefacts as elements for an expanded concept of, or as an alternative to, the Museum.

Description of the workshop

Art, Social space and mobile devices consists on an intensive fieldwork where workshop participants will analyse the context of Slovenia, will question the conventional idea of museum as an institution, and reformulate the function of the exhibition display as a nomadic platform nurturing direct and self?managed participation. This research will lead to the design of a series of mobile prototypes. Participants will map public spaces and develop various elements for it, through interaction with the residents and temporary occupation of the space. The results of the workshop will be included to the itinerant exhibition.

Aims of the workshop

• Debate on the analysis of the relationship of mobility and locality as producers of knowledge.

• Observation of how cultural practices can promote a translation of social forces as vectors for a subjective and political transformation.

• Exchange of perspectives among artists and participants

• Construction of prototypes and/or mobile artefacts in Slovenia to introduce them in the itinerant exhibition.

• To combine spatial observation and social research, in order to gain knowledge of aspirations, necessities and shortages in the local context.


Who can participate?

The workshop is open to artists, architects, designers, educators, cultural managers, historians, social workers, and students of sociology, anthropology, art, architecture, design, education…

Workshop mentors

Domènec (Barcelona, Spain) Visual artist. Taking as his point of departure conceptual processes of reflection, Domènec has built up a sculptural and photographic body of work, along with installations and interventions in public space. He has taken part in several projects In Situ and international projects of Public Art in different places like Ireland, Mexico, Belgium, France, Italy, USA, Brazil, Argentine, Israel and Palestine. He is a coeditor of the art magazine Roulotte. At present he is member of the Board of Directors of Can Xalant. Centre for Creation and Contemporary Thought in Mataró.

Tadej Poga?ar (Ljubljana, Slovenia) artist, educator and curator. He is the founder and artistic director of the Center and Gallery P74 in Ljubljana; the founder and director of the P.A.R.A.S.I.T.E. Museum of Contemporary Art. In his current projects through the context of domination and power explores everyday life of modern city, co?operating planning and economics of urban minorities. Tadej Poga?ar has exhibited at the 10th Istanbul Biennial, 47th Sao Paulo Biennial, 49th Venice Biennial; PR 04, Puerto Rico; at Art in General, New York; Museo de Arte Carillo Gil, Mexico City.

Coordination: Adela Železnik, Moderna galerija / Museum of Modern Art plus Museum of Contemporary Art Metelkova – MSUM and Laia Ros, Embassy of Spain in Ljubljana.

Applications: To register in the workshop please send an e?mail to [email protected]. Attach a brief text (5 lines) of your motivation. The deadline for registrations is May 2, 2012. Places are limited.

For more information: [email protected]


Roulotte es un proyecto editorial flexible que compila información sobre proyectos ideados en contextos específicos. Roulotte se convierte, así, en una especie de exposición móvil en circulación permanente.

Editores : Xavier Arenós, Domènec, Martí Peran
Publicado por: ACM


[email protected]

Motocarro. Roulotte:09


Passant Pàgina. Ell llibre com a territori d’art.

Museu de Granollers
Anselm Clavé 40-42, Granollers, Spain

ET10 . Escales

Encetem el cicle ET10 . Escales amb la presentació dels següents projectes:

El globus vermell presentaran el seu treball en tallers d’activitats lúdiques amb l’ objectiu apropar l’arquitectura als més joves, ajudar-los a entendre quins són els aspectes més importants a l’hora de projectar un edifici .

Anna & Eugeni Bach presentaran el projecte «Playhouse – La Casita» . Edifici destinat a ser utilitzat per nens situat a Nummi Pusula, Finlàndia.

L’artista visual Domènec presentarà la seva obra on a través de la fotografia, video, instal·lacions i intervencions en l’espai públic pren el projecte arquitectònic com una de les construccions imaginaries més complexes de la modernitat.

Dia : 28 gener 12
Hora : 18:00

Lloc : Nau Ivanow
c/Hondures 28-30

La participació a aquesta activitat és lliure i gratuïta.
Més informació al blog

CAPS.A. 11 a la presó

Des de l’interstici

03.11.11 – 23.12.11
Inauguració/Inauguración/Opening: 3.11.11, 20.00h
Centre Cívic Can Felipa
C.Pallars 277, 08005 Barcelona

Amb la participació de/Con la participación de/With the participation of:
Vartan Avakian, David Curto, Domènec, Hatem Imam, Francesc Vidal, Raed Yassin

Comissariat per/Comisariado por/Curated by: Maral Mikirditsian

Des de l’interstici és una selecció de projectes que ens proposen un apropament a la regió del Pròxim Orient; un territori que en el nostre imaginari, conscientment o inconscientment, està abocat a una lectura dirigida i fixada. L’exposició aplega tres artistes de Catalunya i tres artistes del Líban amb la intenció de mostrar i també contraposar les diverses mirades, percepcions i relacions que cadascú dels artistes ha establert amb aquesta regió.

Des de l’interstici es una selección de proyectos que nos proponen un acercamiento a la región del Próximo Oriente; un territorio que en nuestro imaginario, consciente o inconscientemente, está abocado a una lectura dirigida y fijada. La exposición agrupa tres artistas de Cataluña y tres artistas del Líbano con la intención de mostrar y también contraponer las diversas miradas, percepciones y relaciones que cada uno de los artistas ha establecido con esta región.

Des de l’interstici is a selection of projects that tackle a multitude of approaches to a space of conflict, in this case, the region of the Middle East; a space that consciously or unconsciously in our imaginary is bound to a somewhat directed and fixed reading. The exhibition joins three artists from Catalonia and three artists from Lebanon, with the intention to bring together and also put in contrast the various perceptions and relationships the artists have built with the region, manifested on different scales ranging from the most intimate to the very distant.

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