

Aquí / Enlloc de DOMÈNEC

Et convidem a la inauguració i presentació de HERE/NOWHERE

de Domènec el proper dia 28 d’abril a les 7 de la tarda.

inclou una col·lecció de 7 fotografies

i un video en format DVD dins una capsa-carpeta.

Tinta Invisible edicions

c. lleó 6, baixos 08001 BCN

93 3012942

Friday 24 April, 7.00pm: Gets Under the Skin

Storefront for Art and Architecture

97 Kenmare Street
New York, NY 10012
Telephone 212.431.5795
Fax 212.431.5755

Screening of first installment of Gets Under the Skin: Films and Videos on Modernist Architecture curated by Hajnalka Somogyi

Gets Under the Skin
Apr 24 2009
Apr 30 2009
May 7 2009

With films by:
Bernd Behr, Johanna Billing, Michael Blum, Josef Dabernig, Domènec, Miklós Erhardt, Terence Gower, Pierre Huyghe, Lars Laumann, Iñigo Manglano-Ovalle, Caitlin Masley, Ursula Mayer, Anna Molska, Sadie Murdoch, Pia Rönicke, Anri Sala, Caspar Stracke and Judi Werthein

Modernist architecture has been a strong, recurring theme in contemporary art. Way after its rise and fall, it still seems to bug artists, both as art and as social program: it provokes mixed feelings of fascination, nostalgia, rejection and disillusionment. Gets Under the Skin offers a selection of critical responses to the ideas and products of modernist architecture that neither buy the recent “grand narrative” of its wholesale failure nor join the uncritical celebration and fetishization of its masterpieces.
Taking prime and more obscure examples of the Euro-American modernist architectural canon from the Bauhaus school in Dessau or the Goldfinger House in London through Le Corbusier’s Unité d’Habitation and the Crown Hall at the IIT campus to the Expo ’67 in Montreal and Eastern European housing projects among many others, these works recast various threads that led from the originally informative ideas of pure reason and universal emancipation to the wildly divergent realities and myths that make up for their current context. Demolished and in ruins or polished and musealized, modernist architecture appears in these works as an unshakable legacy that continues to inspire and irritate.
Gets Under the Skin is a thesis project curated by Hajnalka Somogyi as part of the requirements for the Master of Arts degree at the Center for Curatorial Studies, Bard College.



works by Ariella Azulay / Adi Ophir / Miki Kratsman / Activestills / Domenec / Sàgar Malé / Shuruq Harb / Sandi Hilal / Alessandro Petti / Eyal Weizman / Nathalie Kertesz / Ze’ev Maor / Jan Tichy

editors: Martí Peran / Domenec / Xavier Arenos. Edited by ACM (



Shop on line: 5 € + delivery charges

Mon Unité Mobile

Projet artistique, Domènec

Commisariat, Isabelle Narcy

Art à l’Hôpital 2008 / École Supérieure d’Art & Centre Hospitalier de Perpignan

vivir sin dejar rastro

Proyecto realizado en Ostende (Argentina), en el marco de RIAA 2009

Una tarde en el galpón de a77, Buenos Aires

RIAA – Residencia Internacional de Artistas en Argentina


9 y 10 de Marzo de 14:30 a 20:00 horas (intervalo de 17:00 a 17:30 horas) CCEBA (Centro Cultural de España en Buenos Aires)

Dirección: Paraná 1159 (entre Av Santa Fe y Arenales).

Esta actividad es gratuita y abierta a todo público.

Lunes 9 de marzo

15:00 Leopoldo Estol (Buenos Aires)
15:30 Daniel Medina (Venezuela)
16:00 Christine Mackey (Irlanda)
16:30 Andrea Elías (Tucumán)
17:00 Intervalo
17:30 John Stoney (EEUU)
18:00 Terence Gower (Canadá)
18:30 Leslie Johnson (Suecia)
19:00 Leandro Katz (Buenos Aires)
19:30 Ana Gallardo (Rosario, Santa Fe)

Martes 10 de marzo

15:00 Laura Glusman (Rosario, Santa Fe)
15:30 Omar Puebla (Ecuador)
16:00 Catalina León (Buenos Aires)
16:30 Yukie Hori (Brasil)
17:00 Intervalo
17:30 Sebastián Gordín (Buenos Aires)
18:00 Luz María Bedoya (Perú)
18:30 Cristián Silva (Chile)
19:00 Julio Grinblatt (Buenos Aires, vive en NY)
19:30 Domenec (España)

Mon Unité Mobile. Projecte per a l’Hospital de Perpinyà

Mon Unité Mobile. Tres dispositius mòbils per a l’Hospital de Perpinyà. Comanda pública dins el projecte «Art à l’Hôpital».

Imatges del procés de construcció al taller de La Garlopa, Mataró

Real Estate > Espai Zero1 > Olot > 06/12/08

ON BCN a El Prat

ON BCN El Prat. roaming ultrabarcelona. 29 and 30 of November 2008 ( coordination: Pau Faus, Pere Grimau, Domenec)

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