text: Brian Dillon
Artforum, pag.192-193, January 2010
Contemporary Artists Researching Modernity and Modernism
February 12th – April 5th, 2010
Opening: February 12th (Friday), 2010 at 19h00
With works by:
Anna Artaker, Alice Creischer/Andreas Siekmann, Domènec, Katja Eydel, Ângela Ferreira, Andrea Fraser, Isa Genzken, Dan Graham and Robin Hurst, Tom Holert with Claudia Honecker, Marine Hugonnier, IRWIN, Runa Islam, Klub Zwei (Simone Bader and Jo Schmeiser), John Knight, Labor k3000 (Peter Spillmann/Michael Vögeli/Marion von Osten), Louise Lawler, David Maljkovi?, Dorit Margreiter, Gordon Matta-Clark, Gustav Metzger, Christian Philipp Müller, Henrik Olesen, Paulina Olowska, Falke Pisano, Mathias Poledna, Florian Pumhösl, Martha Rosler, Armando Andrade Tudela, Marion von Osten, Stephen Willats, Christopher Williams
Curated by: Sabine Breitwieser
The Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw
ul. Panska 3
00-124 Warsaw, Poland
phone +48 22 596 40 10
fax +48 22 596 40 22
e-mail: [email protected]
press: [email protected]
The Architecture Film Festival Rotterdam (AFFR) is a biennial festival of four days with films, debates and lectures.
The program clearly shows how closely film and architecture are linked and how they inspire each other.
Short film program curated by Terence Gower, originally for the New Museum in New York, now for the first time in Holland.
10104 Angelo View Drive
2004, Dorit Margreiter, (7 min.)
Ciudad Moderna
2004, Terence Gower, (6 min.)
Easy Though / Rong Xiang
2008, Caspar Starcke, (9 min.)
2006, Ursula Mayer, (3 min.)
The Kiss / Le Baiser
1999, Iñigo Manglano-Ovalle, (12 min.)
New Ark
2001, Francois Boué, (10 min.)
The Sneeze
2008, Ulrik Heltoft, (1 min.)
Unité Mobile, Roads are also places
2005, Domènec, (10 min.)
Water and Dust
2004, Sadie Murdoch, (7 min.)
Gan Eden
2006, Niklas Goldbach, (10 min.)
Habitat (C3B)
2008, Niklas Goldbach, (7 min.)